
Birthdays and Special Occasions

Looking for a tuneful way to uplift your child’s birthday or any other special occasion? Jonathan delights in working with children to bring their creative ideas to life, for example, as a longtime volunteer songwriter for Hear Your Song.

Soundtracks and Background Music

Jonathan has a variety of experiences scoring podcast episodes and videos. He charges per minute of audio composed (generally $150/minute) and will negotiate the rate based on the project and on your needs.

Enjoy my original soundtracks at 1:02 and 4:42!

While he has the most experience with classical, symphonic, jazz, pop, and electronic styles, he is adaptable. (He once composed a heavy metal banger for his brother’s birthday… 🎸)

Transcription Services

Jonathan has been transcribing 60’s pop songs for Rob Kapilow and loves a good challenge. He charges per hour worked, starting at $40/hr.

Jonathan plays the piano.